Publication Ethics

Publication ethics in the Jurnal Aplikasi Fisika are based on COPE (Committee On Publication Ethics) as follows:


  • Accept complete responsibility for the piece; it is a brand-new, unpublished work that you have created.
  • The content of owned works that have appeared in other journals cannot be changed.
  • The author should refrain from concurrently applying to other publications while the submitted manuscript is being reviewed.
  • Permitted to publish articles in other journals following a formal rejection from Jurnal Aplikasi Fisika, or if he chooses to personally illustrate the article prior to it being forwarded to the reviewer.
  • Have to notify the publisher of any inaccurate data in its works so that the piece can be corrected or withdrawn.
  • Be accountable for any connected to the article and make a substantial contribution.


  • Evaluating every submission in a fair, impartial, and expert manner.
  • Notifying the leader or deputy editor for follow-up if an ethical mistake is discovered in the piece.
  • Duty to verify the article's validity and exercise caution when it comes to plagiarism and over-publication.
  • Article content should not be altered, expanded upon, or discussed without authorization.
  • Observe the evaluation procedure within the designated time frame. The editor-in-chief will be considering requests for review submission renewals.

Editorial Board

  • Actively participating in the journal's growth and benevolence.
  • Take on the role of Journal editor.
  • Keep encouraging and supporting the journal.
  • Depending on the reviewer's recommended outcomes, editors have the option to approve, reject, or request a revision to the script.
  • Confer with the Editor in Chief when deciding which articles to publish.
  • Every initial script is assessed by the editor to be unique. Editors need to arrange the manuscript sensibly and fairly.
  • Editors By taking note of the type of research from the author's submitted work, select the reviewer based on his area of expertise.
  • Editors are responsible for guaranteeing the privacy of information regarding the author's submitted manuscript.

Editor In Chief

  • Fairly and only based on intellectual merit, evaluate the articles.
  • Ascertain the article's confidentiality and refrain from sharing any information about it with parties outside of the publishing process.
  • Has the authority to choose which articles will be published and when. Actively seek out the opinions of examiners, writers, and councilors regarding ways to boost the journal's visibility and image.
  • Give prospective contributors precise instructions on how to submit their work and what to anticipate from the author.
  • Select the appropriate editor for the article's review procedure.